星期四, 5月 10, 2007









Additional reference:維基百科(中文)對天線寶寶的解說

2 則留言:

OldHsu 提到...

hi there,

I am the current student of Glasgow uni. I would like to say sorry for asking you the question below. Would you mind to let me know how you apply another master in Gaslgow Uni? I am in a damn situation so that I am so rude to ask you the question like this.

Thank you.

OldHsu 提到...

Hi, thank you for the reply. Actually, I don't know what may happen on my result of exams since I don't have any idea about how they judge us. Anyway, I just want to ask something from you in case something I don't desire happens. Can I have you msn for contacting reason? I'd want to know you because I have been visiting your blog before I come to this city. What the major are you in now? I have not seen you in any occations. It's really a mess to have so many exams within two months. I would try my best for the last one and I wish to hear good news of your exams soon. I am living in Byres Road. Maybe we can have the chance to have a cup of coffee sometimes. I'll send you my msn account to your mail box and you can add me to your list if you want.